The who and what of our flying ministry


The Alaska Yukon district has always been a missions minded district. Our district is unique in the challenges we face to reach the cities throughout our district. Much of the villages are only accessible through air. Because of this challenge we have begun a North American Missions flying Ministry. We are in need of pilots to fly our two North American mission airplanes throughout our district to spread this Apostolic doctrine. This document will outline the procedure for gaining North American missions support in obtaining a private pilot license.


All persons desiring to obtain North American missions funding for private pilot licensing must first obtained pastoral consent. The consent form is at the bottom of this document.


Once pastoral consent is approved, the document is to be sent to the current North American Missions director for the Alaska Yukon district. Each application for assistance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


The Alaska Yukon district North American Missions director will contact the applicant to interview them concerning their intentions with the private pilot license. It is the North American Missions departments intentions that all persons receiving aid will be fully available to assist flying North American missions aircraft whenever necessary. Any persons receiving assistance agrees that their licensing is primarily for the purpose of assisting with North American missions in planting churches throughout our district. North American missions director reserves the right to limit the amount of pilots receiving assistance as per the district mission needs.


Once the student has received permission from the North American Missions director for assistance they then must submit receipt of payment for private pilot ground school. When private pilot ground school has been completed the student must then submit their passing certificate. Upon receipt of the payment for the class and certificate of completion of course with a passing grade, North American Missions will then send reimbursement for the course.


The student must then enroll and begin the flying portion of their private pilot licensing. NAM will reimburse up to 20 hours of flight training. Once student has completed, their flying portion of their private pilot license, and have successfully completed all requirements they are to submit receipts for pilot time (up to 20 hours) to the North American Mission director for reimbursement.

We are excited to partner with those in the district who will help fly our aircraft into the villages around our district. Our mission is to bring the Apostolic faith, Apostolic truth, and apostolic culture across the Alaska Yukon district. We believe that God has called us to this season to bring in the last great harvest before his coming. Thank you for considering your partnership with North American missions in planting churches across our great district!!!

For His Kingdom

Pastor Michael Mendenhall

AKY NAM Director