Will You Answer The Call?

A Word From The AKY NAM Director

Welcome to the Alaska Yukon North American Missions web page.  We are committed to growing our district and creating a church planting culture.  Apostolic truth, faith and culture are the principles we will work to instill in each church plant throughout our district.  By working with our district pastors we are committed to planting new works and churches in places where there are no apostolic voices present.  We believe this is the hour of great revival and we will be making available all resources through this website for those seeking to plant a work or assist in an ongoing work.  Please feel free to make suggestions to this website for things that will help in that endeavor. God bless and lets get to work!!!

Michael Mendenhall

AKY NAM Director

Christmas For Christ

Christmas for Christ is an annual offering received during the Christmas season that supports church planters in North America. 

Church Planting

Is God calling you to plant a church? Consider starting a church, a preaching point or a daughter work.


Looking for church planter training? Become prepared and get the training you need.

NAM Applications

Get access to church planting and funding applications.